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Bucks County & Beyond

Virtual Community

Lubavitch of Bucks County

Virtual Community

As the world grows smaller and virtual study is becoming more commonplace, once again, Lubavitch of Bucks County is at the cutting edge of employing these new trends for creating joyful and meaningful experiences beyond the wall of our center.

Beginning Within is an on-line forum about strengthening ourselves by spending less time getting drawn into what’s going on around us and spending more time focusing on what’s going on within us.

Bar Mitzvah Prep

The Bar Mitzvah Prep School was created for:

  • Jewish boys to prepare for this special time in their lives – at their own pace and through a series of short and meaningful lessons that will help them grow and thrive – long after the celebrations are over.
  • Parents to embrace the experience with their sons – by sharing in the learning, including open, heartfelt discussions about their own values and experiences.

With the growing possibilities of online learning, we have created a fully virtual course to teach Hebrew reading that has worked for students of all ages – at their own pace and in the comfort of their own home.

When teaching students to read Hebrew, our unique methods make this seemingly overwhelming goal quite easy. By cutting out the non-essential aspects of the typical Hebrew reading course work – students are reading Hebrew quicker and with more confidence.

My Bas Mitzvah Prep

Stay tuned!